Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How about some Cheese with that Whine

Good day my little Darlings!
I know I’ve been slacking on my blogging a bit recently. But I promise I’m not avoiding you. I would never do that…I love you guys :D I’m just a little overworked lately. Trying to plan a wedding leaves very little time for anything else, so my lovely readers get the shaft. Well I’d like to say that I’ll post more but it’s 4 months away from my big day…so we all know I’m just going to get busier. But I will promise to pick up my art and blogging as soon as things settle down.
Anyway now that I’m done making up excuses how about talking about ART…that’s what you all come here for anyway! :)
So I’ve been trying to crank out art like a MAD WOMEN for Dragon Con coming up in September. So far I’ve finished most of what I set out to do. My Gallery is going to be fuller then it has been in past years. I’m actually having to decide which pieces to leave out…not complaining…I just didn’t realize I was being so productive until after I was submitting my work. I’m really excited about it cause my painting technique has improved so much since last year. I think I finally found a way I’m comfortable with so I’m so pleased with the pieces I’ll have on display this year. I need to take a few Photos of my newest pieces and I’ll post a couple as soon as I do.
I’m on the last Piece of my “Wonderland” Series. Working on the Cheshire Cat and Caterpillar this week and once that’s complete it’s on to NEW MYXIES! YAY everyone’s Favorite! And OH BOY do I have some really cool ideas in store for them. Yes yes, I will post photos ;)
Anyhoos, I don’t have time to be lollygagging, back to work. I will post as often as I can, so keep checking my blogs so updates.
Love Ya!

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