Thursday, September 16, 2010

Time to Brag :)

Hey Everyone! Dragon Con is over and things are starting to get back to normal…well all except the whole getting married in a little over a month WHAAAAAT!
Anyway so like always D-Con was fun, each year I meet boocoo bunches of colorful people. As always there were my favorite artists like Rob Carlos and Joseph Corsentino. Also a few 1st years I got the pleasure of meeting, like Marc Robinson, a talented young artist who’s work was just incredible
Now for the part of the blog where I get all braggy…my head is a little bigger since Dragon Con cause, you my friends are now looking at an Award Winning Artist YAY! Yep, I won my 1st award at Dragon Con this year…not just one but two. Oh man was I uber stoked and so surprised. So I’m sitting there at the award ceremony just waiting to hear who the lucky winners are, not at all thinking I would be one of them. BUT HOO they called my name, TWICE YES little darlings! Can you tell I’m excited :) The attendees are the ones that choose the winners so Special Thanks to all of you that voted on my work, let me just tell you that it made this little artist’s day, really did.
Here are my award winning pictures;
Voted Best Horror “They’re Coming” Scratch Art piece in upper corner.
Voted Best Fairy “Steampunk Myxie” Polymer Clay sculpture, no pictures available yet.
Well it was fun as always and best part is now that I’ve won an award, I don’t have to pass a jury to get into Dragon Con 2011, YAH Baby Whoot! Anyways Thanks for letting me Brag.

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