Thursday, April 7, 2011

That ain’t stopping me

Dangit, I really thought I had it this time, I was not accepted by Spectrum Art this year. Sent some pieces in that I was really excited about but no go. Well there is always next year, like I’ve said before, I’m gonna keep submitting every year until they either accept me or send me a cease and desist letter…and even then it may not stop me LOL. Oh well no time to cry over it, I’ve got work to do to get prepared for Dragon Con…they rejected me a few times too but I convinced them in the end and now they invite me every year Haha :D So I guess the moral of the blog today is don’t give up little darlings, because the more you pester an organization the more likely they are to finally cave in LOL :) Thanks for reading! ~Caralyn

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