Thursday, June 2, 2011

Death waits for no Man…cause She is impatient.

The first day I spent 7 hours sculpting a body (not including the head) that is about 6-7 inches sitting down, about 2 and a half times the size of any of my Myxies. Because the body was larger then what I normally work with I had to bake it in sections. Started with the torso and after baking it for about an hour I added the hands and feet, then baked it for another 2 hours. The second day I spent 6 hours sculpting skulls, and let me tell you that was hard. Sculpting a face is much different then sculpting a skull, it took me few tries before I got it to look right. Now that I’ve told you about some of the work that has gone into it, I will tell you what the heck I’m talking about…
So I have this picture I did about hmmmm 4 years ago, it’s of a Female Grim Reaper. I call it She Death…real original I know :P Anyway I liked the concept so much I decided to turn it into a sculpture. The picture has Death leaning against a pile of skulls, unfortunately I couldn’t get her to stand cause she is heavy and my oven is small so her head would’ve touched the top so I have her sitting on a pile of skulls. She will be one of my Dragon Con Gallery pieces and I can’t wait to show her to everyone. She is far from being done but I do have a few progress/detail pictures to show you. What do you think so far?

P.S. sorry about all the naked Myxies...I haven't had time to put clothes on them yet, SHAMEFUL!!! LOL :P

Thanks for reading!


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