Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Until Next Year Dragon Con

BEST DRAGON CON EVER!!! This year’s Convention went swimmingly, a smooth set up and take down, thanks to my sister, brother in-law & my wonderful husband. Then almost all of my sweet Steampunk Dragons found new homes, they were a huge hit.  A large amount of my Gallery pieces and Myxies were cleaned out as well,  it’s going to be so much fun getting my inventory back up for next year.
As always, I loved seeing my fellow artists at the Art Show, Joseph & Donny Corsentino, Adaen Roberts and many more that I don’t have time to mention, but they are all awesome and I can’t wait to see them for D-Con 2013.
I was also very excited that my Charity piece, the fantasy baseball that my little Dragon pals helped paint, brought in the 2nd highest bid at the Charity Auction for ALS. They were very pleased with themselves :)   
It was Fun and exhausting and I plan to do it all over again next year. I want to thank everyone that came by to see me and my little creations and made this Dragon Con a huge success!

For those of you that couldn’t make it to the Con, I will be posting any pieces I had left after the Art Show on my Etsy Store, Hopefully this week.
Thanks for reading!

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