Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sep. 2nd -5th mark it on your calendars People!

Wow, only a few more weeks until Dragon Con. I can’t believe how fast this year has gone. As always I had a huge pile of ideas that I was going to have done before the Art Show…and You guess it, I only completed about half. I should start making the list and then immediately cutting it in half, that way I’ll finish my entire list each year…Not a bad plan actually. :P
Despite all the ideas that will have to wait until next year, I do have a lot of great pieces lined up for this year’s Art Gallery. Three pieces I’m particularly excited about are my Steampunk Centaur, Masquerade Myxie and my She Death Sculpture that I am currently finishing up. These along with a few smaller Myxies will be displayed on the auction table in the Dragon Con Artist Gallery. I will also have a booth where I will be selling art prints and my new additions, Mystic Pendants. The Pendants are just something I tried out for fun and they’ve been a big hit.
Anyway I’m gonna get back to work so I can have everything ready for when it gets here in just a little over 3 WEEKS EKKK!!!

Thanks for reading!

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