Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Retro Blog…Dec. 21st 2007 :)

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, how lovely are your branches…

That’s because of all the Art on them. Yes, I said art. No I haven’t had too much eggnog. :P

The Christmas tree is the ultimate expression of oneself, just like art. That’s why no Christmas tree is the same. When I decorate my Christmas tree, it’s just like when I sit down to paint. The tree is my canvas and the ornaments are my brush. Each piece makes the whole picture and when I’m done its art. Even if it’s lop-sided and there are too many of the same color glass balls hanging together, it’s still my masterpiece. It’s not art that only one person can make, everyone is a Christmas tree artist. Merry Christmas!

Thanks for reading and have a Happy Holiday!

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