Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Again with the Spectrum!

Just Submitted a few pieces to Spectrum Art Books.
I really hope they accept me this year. I sent some good pieces I think but the dealine came up so quickly I really didn’t have time to prepare. The first two years I submitted a piece specially done for the book, this year I didn’t have enough time. Though the submissions are some of my newest and best pieces in my opinion…I still wish I had had time to do something just for the Book. But even if they accept me I still plan to submit a piece every year I can so there is still time to do “special” works.
This year is going to be the year of stocking my inventory, I let it get too empty last year so I’m building it up and I have SO many great ideas. I have already started on my newest Myxies and, not to toot my own horn, but I am out doing myself. My sculptures have more details in their clothes and bodies. I am trying to go outside my safe zone and create things for them I didn’t even think of before. I really hope you all like them because I have been working extra hard to make them just right. Hopefully I will have Photos for you soon, I can’t wait until they are all finished.
Keep Checking my Blog for updates on my work. Thanks for reading!

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