Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Finally finished the newest piece I’ve been working diligently on, Steampunk Myxie number two. She turned out pretty well, even though not entirely the way I had envisioned but good never the less. The steampunk Myxie, that I have yet to think of a suitable name for, took me a little while to complete due to all her details and accessories. I experienced a lot of firsts with this piece as far as my sculpting comfort zone goes. She is now equipped with tiny sculpted polymer clay keys, gears, a clock and…Drum Roll Please…an umbrella. The umbrella was a bit of a challenge but I was quite impressed with myself after I pulled it off. The hardest part was definitely the top part, it was so difficult to get the fabric to sit the right way, but I eventually got it. I can’t wait to post Photos of the finished Steampunk Myxie for you all, I sent her to my Photographer today so I’ll post them as soon as she’s done. But until then I’ve posted a few little Photos I took of her umbrella and wings. What do you think? :)

Thanks for reading. Keep checking my blog for updates on my newest pieces.

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