Friday, December 23, 2011

Don’t Judge this Book by its Cover

So on top of being so very excited that my talented husband has just posted his first book for the Kindle, I am also psyched about having the cover I did for him posted. Yep, my very first book Cover. I was so worried about working on it when he asked me to do it for him, I’m more of a Character kinda girl, I like to drew people mostly. But even though it did not turn out exactly how I had envisioned it…and it sorta came out looking more like a bear paw instead of a wolf's…I’m pretty happy with how it came out. I think it complements the feel of the book fairly well. You Kindle owners that read his Book will have to let me know if you agree.

If you are interested in reading my husband’s Book…and you should be because it’s awesome…here’s the link to Amazon.

Thanks for reading and Happy holidays everyone!

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