Friday, January 6, 2012

How Time Flies when you’re having Fun!

So I’ve been complaining a lot lately about not having enough time to work on my art. I work Monday through Friday and I don’t usually get home until 5:30 or 6. Then with dinner and making some time for my husband that usually only leaves me 2 to 3 hours a night for working on my art…and that is only if nothing else interferes with that small window of time. A Myxie can take me 6-7 hours to finish, Yeah…So needless to say when it came to cranking out pieces the progress was slow going. But I’m super excited about this year BECAUSE…. I am cutting back on a few of my hours at my 9-5 to make more room for my art. Ohhhh I’m so hoping this will allow me to get so much more done. I will gain about 3 more hours a day for just arting it up, Suh-weeeeet! Also my sweet husband got a new camera for me so I should be able to post photos of how I’m taking advantage of my extra time. Oh I can’t wait to get started!

Thanks for reading and keep checking my blog for updates.

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